Success in life? What's going on? If you make money by doing something you enjoy, are you more successful than someone who happens to make a lot of money? Of course not! Your life is not a contest against others, which must be fought in their terms. Two entrepreneurs can be compared to their success in business, but that doesn't tell us about their whole life, does it? If you are going to be happier, richer and healthier sometime in the future, does that mean you have failed now? No! Success in life is about process, not about accomplishment. A poor but happy person who goes to school to get a degree, or in some other way improves his health, is more successful than a rich and miserable person who falls into destructive habits. Success in Your Life Right Now Your success lies in the actions of the moment. This may sound new to you, but it doesn't make sense to you? If you fail at some of the goals you are currently working on, but the effort is honest, and you are willing to learn from your mistakes, is this not a personal achievement? The idea may irritate others. For some, the idea of   being successful somewhere in the future is simply a way to justify short-term actions. They can “keep on waiting for the ship to come in  and they may delay in taking the necessary steps to complete . They can keep that future in mind   and always push it a little further. If you think this way, you may not like the idea of   being successful right now, because it reminds you that it is your job. On the other hand, the concept of success in this age can be very liberating. You do not have to extreme wait for the future. Get your inspiration at work right now, do it honestly and accept the need to keep preparing the course and enjoy the journey, and you are successful right now. There is no guarantee that you will not be lazy or discouraged, but once you start working on your real values, you are living a successful life. Success Is a Personal Thing What you want in life. To get rich? Helping others? Do you have a good relationship? Traveling around the globe? Be healthy? All of the above? Success in life is personal and unique. Whatever your best course in life (and this is only for you to decide), when you start honestly on that side, in that very moment you succeed as a person. The external manifestation of success is good - money, things and opportunities. You will have some of these, but you will also fail at many things. We all do, and that's fine. The important question is the question of time and day to day: will you start again in the right way? This inner process of choosing the right path and taking action is what defines success in life.