The operation of the cube farm has been a disaster for the producer of a worker for years and he has finally been satisfied. Your company has given you the opportunity to work from home. Eventually, a home office is born. Choosing the location of your home office is crucial to your success. It is very close to the activities that take place and you are distracted. It is too far, and you get stuck on an island. Another concern is the effect of "7-Eleven", in other words, you are always open to business and in the short term you find yourself tired. But there are ways to manage these issues to make the experience of your home office a success. Make it comfortable, but not too comfortable. Make it warm and inviting, but not a children's playroom. Make it a workplace, but also a living space. Confused? Don't be because this is your chance to do as you wish. Just keep in mind your specific situation and plan accordingly. Maybe converting your attic to use as a home office is a good idea. Maybe working in a corner of the room works. Even if your space allotment with a real home office is a great way to keep your head down because you already pay for the space and the real hidden value of the home office doesn’t have to look like a corporate office oak large desk and wall cabinets. And even if your kids are going to argue, your home office isn’t where they should be playing. Finding a home office space is a major concern these days. Once you have found your space, you should hopefully find that working in a home office is interesting, varied and offers the opportunity to bring results that will make a real difference in your life. It will not be difficult to work if you have a well-organized home, fully equipped and well-organized and comfortable. But the key to a good home office and a satisfied employee is this: create a work plan as you would if you walked into the office every day. Don't wake up tomorrow and wonder what you will do that day, have a plan. Also set working hours, enter the office from 8-5 or 9-6 and then, leave the day, turn off the light behind you and close the door as if your walk was miles away from home Another suggestion is to turn off the sound notification of a new email on your computer. Every ding, or dong, or beep and you'll be running a computer like Pavlov's dogs. Remember: Work smart, not hard!